Best Deer Scent — 2021 Reviews And Top Picks

There are such scents called sexual which hunters use to attract the animal. Attractant scent contains simple doe or buck urine. People still argue about the effectiveness of the scents, but a great range of hunters assure that the products work. However, using urine to attract deer is half of the hunting plan. Every hunter should know how to use the attractant right. We’ve made a list of top 10 deer scents to prove that it can help hunters and reveal more facts about the scents! Some of goods are the true findings!

The high quality of the whitetail doe’s urine is produced during its estrus cycle.

4 FL.OZ (118 ml);

100% natural doe estrus urine;

Easy to open;


Not enough strong;

The set includes Deer Herd Scent and Testosterone Scent for pre-rut, rut and post-rut. Do not miss a chance to try the first calming scent in the world!

2.5 OZ (70.87 grams);

Convenient pack;

Long-lasting stick formula;


Castor opener;

The kit includes laundry detergent, bar soap, hand sanitizer, field spray and refills, wind checker and a fleece skullcap. Here’s everything you need for big hunting!



Great volume;


Leak out;

It has never been so easy to hunt an animal since the Buck Bomb spray appeared. Easy to use and original doe in estrus urine can be a perfect item to choose.

6.65 OZ;

100% natural urine;

Sticks to everything;

UV light-protected;


Bad trigger;

These are two unique products from ConQuest: the only deer estrus scent with actual vaginal secretions and the world’s first calming scent. Sounds great and worth trying!

2.5 OZ;

Wax-stick formula;

Suits all seasons;


Ineffective VS1;

If you look for a great and high quality of performance then this lure can be a good choice. More results you can observe if to use it during the rut season.

1 FL.OZ;

100% natural urine;

Convenient bottle;


Not natural smell;

If you want to use scent which is exclusively natural urine, you should choose Code Blue’s. True-to-life effectiveness is guaranteed!

1 OZ;

Original urine;

Bottles with own unique number;


Light smell;

Finally, you can forget about what type of lure it is and when to use as this one suits all seasons long! Try new distinctive smell!

1 FL.OZ;

All-season lure;

Natural urine;

Easy usage;


Not natural smell;

The kit includes 3 lures: buck urine, doe urine and estrus. The chance to harvest a buck is bigger than ever before!

2 FL.OZ;

Different types of urine;

High-temperatures protection;

All season-long;


Requires some knowledge to use it;

This is an unpredictable mix of doe urine, estrus secretions and buck urine. It is as effective as long-lasting product!

4 FL.OZ;

New original formula;


No effect at the dripper;

How to Choose a Deer Scent – Buyer’s Guide

effectiveness of a deer scent

Types of deer scents

There are various deer scents and due to the list of the best deer scent contains doe’s urine or mixes of urines exclusively, we are going to explain how to choose the right one.

  • Doe Urine. Any time of the year you may use it to attract the bucks in the area. Usually, this scent allows them to understand that the area is not dangerous. The best time to use this type of lure is in the early season when bucks do not try to compete with each other and wander together.

  • Buck Urine. To make a buck come to your area, you should use this one when the bucks become vigorous. When the buck smells this urine, the animal accepts the challenge.

  • Doe Estrus. This is the most popular scent to use in the rut season when the buck was chasing a doe. Use the buck urine to mask own scent and to make the animal come to your area closer.

Ways of Deer Scents’ Usage

Ways of Deer Scents’ Usage

Deer baits are scents that can consist of urine, pheromones, or foodstuffs that are planted along reindeer trails. These lures are those most used by hunters during mating periods and hunting seasons. In this article, we will elaborate on the special scents for the best deer lure and how they can be used.

With a Mock Scrape

As soon as the time is right and you find a nice scraping funnel, it’s time to use the scent. The first thing to do is to loosen a piece of land with a rake. If there is an overhanging branch above this area – good, but if not, you can just cut any branch and dig it into the ground. The next thing you need to do is to set up bait and make sure that the droplets fall stably to the ground.

After the first application, the chemical elements that make up the bait react with the soil elements and begin to attract reindeer. Reindeer that need minerals for a normal life and horn development will come back and forth, touch, lick, and eat the bait. Their actions lead to the fact that other reindeer increasingly coming to this place.

By Making a Scent Trail

Special deer lures and scents contain synthesized pheromones, urine, and musk, which are identical to those emitted during the spring rut. Optimal use of the scented lure is to first spray the shoes two or three times or spray the trees around you on the way to the hunting ambush, thus creating a scent trail. Then you need to spray the special baits and hang them on the branches of trees and shrubs around the place you will stay.

With a Scented Decoy

Another good way to lure a deer is to consider a decoy. In order to enhance the effect of realism, you can water the decoy bait with the doe estrus scent. However, remember that decoys are used to ensure that the deer’s attention is focused on the bait itself, not on you. So, if you’re using a decoy, make sure that you will be able to shoot the deer before it will become distracted.

With Scent Bombs

A scent bomb is the most efficient and convenient way to disperse a scent while hunting. Inside the bomb there is a super-absorbing fuse that emits the smell of a doe, which is detected by the reindeer.

To use, fill the bomb with the scented bait. Put the cover back on and hang the bomb on a tree or bush. When the hunt is over, simply slide the wick and hanger back into the bomb and close the sealed lid. Such a bomb can be conveniently used as a tracking marker or yard marker.

With Boot Pads

Similar to a scent-trailing method, this one may be more convenient when your hands full. Using scented boot pads, you can lure a deer to the place where you’re hiding. Cover your boot pads with, for example, a doe estrus urine scented liquid and create a trail to your ambush.

With a Gel, or a Stick

One of the most convenient ways for luring a deer is a stick with a doe estrus scent. It may sound confusing, but it’s actually worth trying. A stick with vaginal secretions of a doe will last a long time and will be great in a rut, pre-rut, or post-rut season.

With Sprays and Wicks

Scent wicks and sprays can be used for several purposes. The first one is to mask the human smell while you’re hunting. The second one is to attract a deer to your stand, using a scented liquid. It is one of the deer lures that work even for a novice hunter. Sprays may also be used to bring out sexual breeding behavior in mature bucks. Simply spray the liquid on the trees around your stand and watch the deer running to you.

How Does It Work In Nature?

How Does It Work In Nature

The effectiveness of the scent depends on the weather conditions. For example, the slightest breeze carries the odor on a long distance. Stormy wind spreads the odor so it is hard for deer to identify the location of it. Whether the air is warm or cool, the scent can move uphill and downhill. On a rainy day, it is almost impossible for deer to smell the scent. If you apply the scent above the ground, it is also a problem for deer.

Selecting the Right Scent

deer scents

Depending on the season, the success of the scent you choose may vary. For each of the seasons, it is worth choosing a certain smell and a certain bait that will work best at the moment.

Early Season

In the early season (from late August to October), reindeer do not have a rut, so it is better not to use the smell of female excretions. The animal will simply not understand what is happening, and why it detects this smell outside of the season. Instead, it is better to use the smell of doe urine, as it is common during any season.

Deer Scent Strategy & Scents to Use

Since we’re working with a common smell here, it is better to use a urine-scented mock scrape and Tink’s #69 Doe-in-Rut Buck Lure. By doing so, you can attract as many bucks as is possible in your area, as through the early season deer are already attracted by the smell of the soil itself.

Pre-Rut Season


As the rut season approaches, animals are getting ready for an upcoming estrus. Testosterone is rising, and all bucks can think during this season is fighting and sparring. In this season it is better to use the scent of buck urine.

Deer Scent Strategy & Scents to Use

The best thing here is to use a scented realistic decoy with some of the Dead Down Wind Grand Slam Kit. When a buck smells such a decoy, the animal identifies it as an aggressor and comes right your way.

Rut and Post-Rut Season


Now, it’s the time for doe estrus urine smelled lures. During this period, bucks are unbelievably easy to track and hunt down, as hormones are winning over their mind. Using scents during the rut and post-rut seasons may be the best strategy.

Deer Scent Strategy & Scents to Use

Here comes the time of scent trails and boot pads. Use doe estrus while creating a lure and make it part of your ambush. Don’t forget to mask the human smell! The scent of a doe estrus urine will lead a hormone-headed buck straight into your hands. The best scent for this season is Code Blue Whietail Doe Estrous.


The key to draw a buck is using the right scent at the right time. It is also important to look for high-quality products. However, you may never know why deer get attracted by this or that lure for sure. The only thing you left is to choose the one from the list and to try your luck! If one scent doesn’t work, you can always try another one, but it is not recommended to mix them.

Also, don’t forget about wicks!

Deer scent wicks

Scent wicks are absorbent felt tags that help to hold the scent and disperse it to provide maximum effectiveness. Hunter puts on it the deer lure attractant or cover scent. There are also cotton balls, which comes in plastic canisters. However, they may alter scents since it is mixed with the material of the canisters.

Scent wicks are used for a few purposes. The first one is that it helps to mask human’s odor, the second one is when you hunt where a lot of trees or low lying bushes it is better to use scent wicks. Scent wicks are highly absorbent and thanks to them hunter easily can lay down the perfect scent trail straight to his stand. Scent pads can be used with various multi-purpose scents, including those, which conceal the odor of hunter. It’s important to not hang the scent wick too early before you start to shoot the target.

Hunter may use scent wicks on any day placing them even in a zip-lock plastic bag and use it on the next hunting day. You just need to refresh them by adding a little more scent on them.

You just need to hang this scent dispenser on branches or twigs to wick out the scent. It does not alter or change the smell of the lure you use additionally. This 4 pack Pro-Wick scent dispenser provides an extreme absorbance and high scent dispersion.


4 units in a pack;

High intensity;

Simple to use;


Not too thin;

Thanks to the patented design you can insert Key-Wicks right into the bottle of hunting scent. Then you hang it on a branch or twig 6 feet above the ground where you’re going to hunt.


Convenient shape;

Special synthetic felt;

Extreme absorbance;

High scent dispersion;

Easy to use;

Zip lock bag;


It lasts not too long;

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Editors Choice:
Tink’s #69 Doe-in-Rut Buck Lure