Best Fishing Line for Bass Spinning Reel 2021 – Reviews and Top Picks

Fishing Line for Bass Spinning Reel

Fishing is not simply a regular hobby – it is a real passion for a lot of people. That is why both amateurs and professional fishermen appreciate high-quality lines. Here you will find all the important information about the key features that you should pay attention to when choosing your best fishing line for bass spinning reel.

Power Pro Spectra Fiber Braided Fishing Line
Stren Original Service Spool
Stren Fluorocast Fluorocarbon Fishing Line
Shipping weight:
Shipping weight:
5 pounds
150 yards
4 ounces
6 pounds
330 yards
2.4 ounces
6 pounds
200 yards
1.6 ounces
Power Pro Spectra Fiber Braided Fishing Line

Power Pro Spectra Fiber Braided Fishing Line is an example of a very thin line that is almost invisible, even in very clear water. At the same time, it is super reliable as it can take more weight than a regular line. Furthermore, this model has almost zero stretches which make the product very sensitive. The line being sensitive is essential to fish successfully. 

5 pounds
150 yards
Shipping weight:
4 ounces
  • Thinness
  • Durability
  • Sensitiveness
  • The possibility of defects 
Stren Original Service Spool

This line is for those who want to have one high-quality line for ages. A UV guard protects the line from breaks and other damages. Besides, this line is very easy to use and does not cause any trouble, due to its material having a bad memory, which helps with making casting easy.

6 pounds
330 yards
Shipping weight:
2.4 ounces
  • Durability
  • Toughness
  • Length 
  • Really visible 
Stren Fluorocast Fluorocarbon Fishing Line

The main advantage of the line is that it is made of fluorocarbon. The material is similar to a nylon monofilament but is more modern. It leads to the product being outstandingly strong. Furthermore, this line is versatile and can be used for different types of fishing. It will help you get even the heaviest of fish without any difficulties or inconveniences. 

6 pounds
200 yards
Shipping weight:
1.6 ounces
  • Durability
  • Strength 
  • Swivel breaks 

What Type of Line Is the Best for Me? – Buyer’s Guide

What Type of Line Is the Best for Me

First of all, you should understand that there exist a few types of lines. It is usually the material that differs. The main types are:

  • Braide. It the earliest type of fishing line. Braided lines are not stretchy but flexible. They are quite hard to knot properly, and they are too visible in clear water. Braided lines might be used for any type of fishing reel. The most popular usage, however, stays trolling.
  • Monofilament. Nowadays, it is the most common material for fishing lines because it is cheap to produce. This line is of different colors and might be perfectly applied for deepwater fishing. The line has high sensitiveness but it can not be durable when being used too often.
  • Fluorocarbon. The most up-to-date fishing line. It has low stretch and extremely invisible. It is perfect for professionals but knotting might cause trouble for freshmen. The line can be used for any type of fishing reel but it is rather more expensive than other variants.

Decide which type of fishing you prefer. Your choice of material should be based on this factor.

The Line You Cannot See

As we mentioned, the visibility of the line is one of its key features. More visible lines have a lower chance of attracting fish. Of course, if you fish at night, the visibility of the line matters slightly less. However, it can still really influence how much you catch.

Why Is the Color of the Line Important?

This point is closely related to the previous one. Line color is rather controversial. On the one hand, we should be able to see the line to maneuver it better. On the other hand, we might frighten away fish. You should know if the waters you normally fish in are clear. It is a major factor to consider when selecting the color of your line.

The Width of the Line

The diameter of the best bass spinning reel fishing line for you depends on what you want it for. The thicker the line the stronger, and if you want to get a heavy fish this is essential. However, if the water is too clear and the fish you are looking for is rather small then a thick line might make it much harder.

The Line Should Be Durable

We all try to choose the most durable line. But unexpected breaks while fishing are not the only problem. Sometimes wear and tear over a long period of time is the main issue. This is why you should pay special attention to the abrasion resistance of the line. If you go fishing really often, this is a crucial factor.

The Stronger the Better

If you enjoy hunting for really big fish, then the strength of your line will be extremely important. The best fishing line for bass spinning reel should be able to carry even very heavy fish. Sometimes greater strength hurts the sensitivity of the line; however, in this case, you can easily rely on your experience.


Why Type of Fishing Line Is Usable on a Spinning Reel?

We have already mentioned that there are three main types of materials that are used for fishing lines. When selecting the one that fits you, keep in mind the type of fishing you prefer, the clarity of the water, and the types of fish that you are looking for. If you consider all these factors, you will be able to decide on the best type of fishing line for you.

How Does One Test the Strength of a Fishing Line?

First of all, you should look up the main features of the line you choose. Normally, the maximum strength of the line should be pointed out. If not, find out the shipping weight, and work out the weight of spool for the length you need.


We hope that you will be able to find a reliable and comfortable line. Remember – the best bass spinning reel fishing line for you will depend on your personal needs and expectations.

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Fishing is not simply a regular hobby – it is a real passion for a lot of people..."/>
Editors Choice:
Power Pro Spectra Fiber Braided Fishing Line