If the fishing reel is lubricated with the best fishing reel oil and grease regularly, it will work for many years. Such a reel allows you to fish productively without any surprises. To understand which grease is the best, it is necessary to know some additional information.
Fishing Grease: Is It So Necessary
A properly lubricated fishing reel will last for many more years than one that isn’t and will be able to cast further. The fishing grease is necessary for the reel to function smoothly. The main goal is to ensure a longer life for fishing equipment.
Lubrication Properties and Viscosity
The grease should have suitable viscosity and excellent lubrication properties. The most applicable products have low viscosity, but they are often smooth and even slightly runny.
Prevention of Corrosion
Most grease types contain a rust inhibitor to prevent corrosion. This component is especially important for the reels used in saltwater. The best products are designed to create a protective film in the reel. This stops any water from entering the reel and thus prevents corrosion.
Protection from Water
Long-lasting protection of the reel is possible only when the grease is water-resistant. Otherwise, it can dissolve in the water and leave the reel without protection.
Thermal Stability
Extreme weather conditions are often encountered by fishermen. Low temperatures should not affect the grease, no hardening should be accepted. It is essential to choose products that can be used in a wide range of temperatures.
Color Diversity
There is a variety of colored greases on the market. Experiments have shown that color does not have any effects. In most cases, different colors are used to see where the grease has already been applied.
Fishing Reel Grease or Oil: Is There Any Difference?
The main difference is in viscosity. The grease is more viscous. This allows it to stay in one place without moving around. Grease is thus mostly used for gears and parts that mesh together.
Reel oil is light and similar to machine oil. It has a tendency to move from the place where it is applied. This means that oil has to be applied regularly. Oil is used in small spaces (bearings, knobs, etc.)
Check List How to Lubricate a Fishing Reel
- Wash the reel properly and dry it
- Degrease the reel with alcohol (isopropyl)
- Disassemble the reel and check it for damage
- Apply the lubricant (oil and grease) to any moving parts. Apply 1 or 2 drops to these parts
- Assemble the reel
Ideal Oil for a Fishing Reel
Ideally, synthetic oil, due to its lubricating properties. It is better not to use products containing the additive TFE, which can damage the reel.
Performing timely maintenance is very important for making fishing as fun as possible. Everyone should experiment with different types of grease and oil for fishing reels to choose the most appropriate one for them.