How to Choose Best Fishing Line - Ultimate Guide
How to Choose Fishing Line
A good fishing line should be strong, thin, and hardly visible in the water, and also be equally strong and uniform in thickness along its entire length, it should not get wet, rot, and with the smallest diameter, withstand the largest load.

When choosing a line, the following aspects should be taken into account:
- Good fishing line should be invisible to fish. It is better to purchase a newly produced line. The new line has a characteristic intense shine, while the old one has a matte surface.
- It is worth paying attention to line’s diameter. It is important that it is uniform throughout the entire length. Diameter can be determined by eye or by using a micrometer. Thin line is not only practically invisible in the pond, but also has a sufficiently high level of sensitivity. It gives you the opportunity to experience the fluctuations and movements of the fish when biting. In this case, the thin line does not always have a low level of strength. Modern technologies allow producing the most sensitive lines with an increased level of strength.
- A high-quality fishing line should have high strengths. The material from which it is made should not be rotted.
- Manufacturers produce lines, which are inextensible and those that are capable of stretching under tension. When choosing a line according to the level of stretching, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of fishing and the nature of the fish
- For rivers with clear and transparent water, you can use a line of transparent color. For sandy reservoirs a line with a yellow color is the best choice. If the bottom of the reservoir consists of peat or clay sites, select the line of brown patterns. If the pond is distinguished by an elevated level of vegetation, a green line is recommended.
- Selection of the fishing line also depends on the degree of hardness. Models with a soft thread are used to catch peaceful inhabitants of the underwater world. A rigid thread allows you to follow the movements of the bait.
In order for the line retains its remarkable qualities for as long as possible, it is necessary to use it and store it properly. When fishing line is wet, it stretches almost to 20%, and when dries up, it becomes shorter. Therefore, after fishing, it is necessary to let the line dry at normal temperature in the free state but not on the coil.

Types of Fishing Line
Monofilament line
Monofilament line cannot be split along into smaller strands without destruction. It is made of various kinds of polymeric materials. In the production of monofilament line, the polymer mixture is forced through the holes of a certain diameter. Despite the fact that the line with a circular cross section is most common, there are also other variants. Mono line can have an oval, square and even hexagonal section. There are both transparent and color models. Mono line, because of its simplicity, is cheaper than a braided line.
Where to use it
When catching a large fish, a mono line is more useful than a braided one. For feeder fishing, monofilament line is also commonly used. It can be taken as for the main line, and for the leash. This line is great when fishing on small reservoirs, as it can very quickly dive into the water. Mono fishing line shows itself perfectly when casting on long distances with the use of spinning and maximum light gear. For rigging a feeder and a conventional fishing rod with a float, monofilament will also be appropriate. It is often used for the winter fishing.
- A small friction coefficient of the fishing line helps it easily pass through any transmission rings.
- The monofilament is characterized by low resistance, which facilitates the wiring of a small bait to a considerable depth, very simply and without any problems.
- There is an option to purchase a fishing line with a fluorescent coating, in order to facilitate the control of fishing.
- A high degree of stretching will allow you to fish large fish without aggressive jerks.
- The line is completely invisible to predators.
- It is highly resistant to all negative factors of impact and temperature changes.
- When laying, the monofilament lies evenly and straight.
- The price of monofilament is affordable.
- It has a long exploitative period, which allows using mono line more than one season without losing its excellent technical characteristics.
- The disadvantage of monofilament line is that it is capable to stretch; its sensitivity to biting is much lower. It can increase its length significantly. It can in some cases reach 10-25 percent of the original length.
- For catching on the feeder some types of monofilament lines are not suitable. Some manufacturers make a special note to ensure that the buyer knows whether it is possible to use this line for this purpose.
- Monofilament has too much floatation. When casting, part of it will be controlled by the wind, the flow of water until it finally immersed in the water.
- The strength of mono line can be decreased.
Best monofilament lines:
- KastKing DuraBlend Monofilament Leader Line;
- KastKing Masters Tournament Grade Monofilament Fishing Line;
- Stren High Impact Fishing Line.
Click for more information on the best monofilament lines.
Braided Line
Braided line is intended for spinning tackle, but it can also be used for donkeys. The main advantage is the increased strength with a small diameter of the cross section. It is produced by the method of twisting gel-like polyethylene. Further, different manufacturers differently strengthen and modify molecular bonds.
Where to use it
The braided line is mainly used as the main line for such gear as spinning, trolling (catching on the track), catching with bottom gear with a spinning rod, including feeder rigging. There is great variety of braided lines: shore braided lines, rock fish game, off shore jigging, braided lines for bass and trout, big trout & salmon.
- The minimum extensibility. The braided line provides tactile sensitivity of the fishing tackle and allows the fisher to clearly register even those bites that he would not have paid attention to when fishing with a monofilament line.
- High strength. The use of a large number of synthetic fibers positively affects the strength of the braided line, allowing the angler to use the finest diameters for catching fish. This, in turn, had a positive effect on the casting distance and made it possible to use the braid even with delicate tackles of the ultra-light and light class.
- Complete lack of memory. The braided line can’t be cracked and deformed; it always comes off the spool with one straight line.
- Excellent camouflage features. A quality line is practically invisible in water and does not bother the fish during the bite.
- Great load on rod form. One of the positive features of line – strength and zero extensibility, which turns into disadvantage – an increased load on the rod.
- Large load on the coil. When using braided line, all the mechanisms of the coil are under heavy loads.
- Due to the fibrous structure, braided line “collect” particles of sand and other similar materials.
- Braided line is rather noisy and there’s increased friction during the movement of the braids through the rings of the rod.
- The ability of the braided line to stretch is 10 times smaller than of a conventional fishing line, which makes it difficult to get a large strong fish.
- The line is sensitive to low temperatures, since the line’s fibrous structure absorbs water.
The braided lines can be used for any fishing method and type of fishing, where their characteristics will be in a great demand. Braided line doesn’t require any special care and it is a great choice for anglers.
The best braided lines:
- KastKing SuperPower Braided Fishing Line;
- Spiderwire Braided Stealth Superline;
- KastKing SuperKast9.
Click for more information on the best braided lines.
Fluorocarbon Line
The line made of fluorocarbon is relatively new line on the market. However, despite its novelty, this line has already become preferable among other fishing lines. Fluorocarbon (PVDF) was invented by the Japanese in the 70s for the needs of the chemical industry. In fact, it is a polymer, reminds Teflon. It is inert to aggressive environment and has an extremely low coefficient of friction. The process of PVDF-fishing line production is much more complicated than manufacturing nylon analogues, besides the technology and the exact composition of the material are still classified. That is why the value of the line is significantly higher.
Where to use it
It is used as the main line for ultralight fishing in those reservoirs where there is a high pressure from the fishermen, and the fish is very careful. In addition, fluorocarbon is perfectly suitable for the manufacture of leashes. Currently, fluorocarbons are used primarily for catching predators such as pikeperch and perch.
- Invisible in the water. This is the main advantage, for which many anglers abandoned the leashes from the monofilament line and use the fluorocarbon line.
- High resistance to abrasion. Another advantage over the monofilament fishing line, fluorocarbon is more tough and withstands direct deformation much better than mono line.
- Low memory. The line is resistant to the memory of curvature, and even after tying the knots it looks much more straight and stronger than the monofilament.
- Good extensibility.
- It does not lose its strength at low and particularly high temperatures. Loses no more than 4% of its strength at a temperature of -28 C.
- Unlike braided line, it does not absorb moisture.
- Weak indicators on the breaking. The line is almost twice less strong than the monofilament line of similar diameter.
- High price. The line is really quite expensive and exceeds the prices for a monofilament fishing line.
- Low strength of knots. This moment also matters, but when knitting special knots, this negative aspect can be reduced to a minimum.
When choosing a fluorocarbon line, first of all, it is worth paying attention to the material from which it is made. The packaging should include sign – Fluorocarbon 100%. This is a certain guarantee of quality from the manufacturer. The inscription “Fluorocarbon coated” on the package means that the line is only covered with fluorocarbon and it will lose its strength after minor use.
The best fluorocarbon lines:
- Seaguar Red Label Fluorocarbon 1000 yards Fishing Line;
- Stren Fluorocast Fluorocarbon Fishing Line;
- Berkley Vanish Fluorocarbon Leader Material.
Click for more information on the best fluorocarbon lines.
about author
My name is Chris and I am a hunter, outdoorsman, survivalist of 36 years old from Bosie, Idaho. Being a participant of Ihea-USA, I like big game hunting most of all, especially hunting white-tailed deer. Except hunting, I’m also keen on fishing and gaining new knowledge how to survive in the wild nature.As a professional hunter, I do not stop improving upon own hunting skills and testing new gear, equipment, hardware and weapons.I write articles to share my experience and knowledge with the readers who motivate me for more. For any additional information contact me at [email protected].